Edit events overview
The Event List Position, Status, Ch(annel), Num(ber), Val(ue), and Length/Info columns display all details of…
Change the position and length of events
The units shown in the Event List Position and Length/Info columns represent bars, beats, divisions,…
Protect the position of events
There are situations when you will want to protect certain events from being moved. For…
Change event values
You can change the event values shown in the Event List Value, Number, and Channel…
Edit articulation IDs for note events
Some software instruments included with Logic Pro, including drummers, strings, and orchestral instruments, provide multiple…
View and set articulation IDs in the EXS24 mkII Instrument Editor
When Additional Options for Advanced Editing is selected in the Advanced preferences pane, you can…
Change articulation IDs dynamically using modulation routing
In the EXS24 mkII sampler, you can route a modulation source, such as a MIDI…
Mute and delete regions and events
The Mute and Delete functions go hand in hand, because you will often want to…