Change the grid and step display

The Grid parameter in the Lane inspector is important when creating event steps. Newly created events are automatically added at grid positions. This makes it easy to create a drum pattern, with 4 divisions on one lane, 8 divisions on another lane, and 16 divisions on another lane, assigned to kick, snare, and hi-hat sounds, for example.

Define the grid value for the selected lane

  • Choose a grid type from the Grid pop-up menu in the inspector.

    Figure. Grid pop-up menu in inspector.

Steps that you add snap automatically to the nearest grid position. The positions of existing steps are not affected.

Tip: When editing or constructing complex rhythm patterns, it can be useful to create several lanes (see Create lanes) for one drum note, each with a different quantization grid. For example, if there are two lanes for a snare drum, one with a 1/16 and the other with a 1/96 grid, you can use the Pencil tool to add individual hits in the coarser grid, and drum rolls in the finer grid.

You can change the appearance of event steps to make event creation and editing easier.

Set the width of event steps

  • Choose a pen width value in the inspector.

The exact step position is always aligned with the left edge of the step, regardless of the beam width.

Figure. Pointer shown on the Pen Width value in inspector.

When you set the Pen Width parameter to Note Length, note event steps are displayed at their actual length. The Status parameter must be set to Note for this to work.

Figure. Showing Note Length chosen in Pen Width pop-up menu.

Change the style of step beams

  • Choose a setting from the Style pop-up menu.

    • No Frames: Shows the value of the event as a colored beam.

    • Framed Values: Shows a hollow frame that is the full height of the lane. The value of the event is displayed as a colored beam within the frame.

    Figure. Showing framed and unframed beams in lanes.