Snap automation to grid positions
You can snap track automation to grid positions.
When snapping is available, and Show Advanced Tools is selected in the Advanced preferences pane, you can also offset automation, by moving it slightly forward or backward in time. Offsetting automation compensates for any audio hardware latencies, excessive processor loads, or plug-in delays.
Snap automation points to the chosen Snap grid value
Do one of the following:
Choose Snap Automation from the Snap pop-up menu.
Control-click the track lane, then choose Snap Automation from the shortcut menu that appears.
Automation edits snap to the value chosen in the Snap pop-up menu.
Offset automation when Snap Automation is active
Choose Automation Snap Offset from the Snap pop-up menu.
Adjust the Snap Offset parameter in tick values (can be positive or negative).
All automation, on all tracks (or regions containing MIDI Draw automation), is offset by the chosen number of ticks.