Edit fades
You can change the length of a fade, the fade curve shape, the fade type, and the fade playback speed.
You can also choose between four different fade types in the Region inspector.
Edit the length of a fade
Do one of the following:
Drag over the start or end point of a fade with the Fade tool.
Select a region, then edit the Fade In or Fade Out value in the Region inspector.
Adjust the fade curve shape
Do one of the following:
Drag the fade curve with the Fade tool.
Select a region, then edit the Curve value in the Region inspector.
In the example below, a positive curve is shown for both the fade-in and fade-out.
In this next example, a negative curve is shown for the fade-in, and a linear fade (no curve) is shown for the fade-out.
Change the fade type
In the Region inspector, choose a fade type from the Fade Out pop-up menu.
Out: Creates a standard fade-out whenever the Fade tool or Fade parameter is used.
X (Crossfade): Crossfades the selected region with the following region when you use the Fade tool or Fade parameter.
EqP (Equal Power Crossfade): Results in an Equal Power crossfade. This minimizes volume dips between audio regions, resulting in a more even crossfade between regions that may be slightly different in level.
X S (S-Curved Crossfade): Delivers an S-curved crossfade. The fade curve, as the name suggests, is S shaped.
The last three items in the pop-up menu can only be applied to two consecutive regions. Also note that the Fade In (and corresponding Curve) parameters are made redundant when any of the X, EqP, or X S options are chosen.
Change the playback speed of a fade
Do one of the following:
For a fade in, choose the Speed Up parameter, and modify the value.
For a fade out, choose the Slow Down parameter, and modify the value.
Logic Pro offers Speed Up and Slow Down parameters in the Region inspector, which you can use to speed up or slow down the playback speed of fades. These parameters share pop-up menus with the Fade In and Fade parameters.