Tracks area overview
The Tracks area is where you arrange regions to build your project. The Tracks area,…
Position items using the ruler
The ruler runs horizontally across the top of the Tracks area. For projects set to…
Position items using alignment guides
Alignment guides appear when the edges of a region you are moving align with another…
Snap items to the grid
The Tracks area includes a grid that helps you align regions, automation points, and other…
Vertically zoom the Tracks area
You can set the Tracks area to automatically zoom vertically to fill the available space.…
Quantize regions
Quantizing involves the rhythmic correction of audio or MIDI regions to a specific time grid.…
Control positioning with drag modes
When Show Advanced Tools is selected in the Advanced preferences pane, the Drag pop-up menu…
Scrub the project
You can scrub a project to locate or listen to a sound at a particular…
Scroll and zoom in the Tracks area
Depending on the size of the project and your display, you may not be able…
Customize the toolbar
The toolbar offers a variety of buttons and other controls for working with regions in…