Markers overview
When Show Advanced Tools is selected in the Advanced preferences pane, you can use markers…

Add markers
You can add a marker at any position in your project. When you create a…

Edit markers
You can copy and move markers, adjust their lengths, and color them. You can also…

Rename markers
Newly created markers (except markers derived from regions) are named “Marker <number>,” where “<number>” reflects…

Navigate using markers
You can navigate through your project using markers. This is useful when you want to…

Use marker sets
You can create marker sets, and choose between different marker sets in a project. Only…

Customize how markers appear
in the Marker List There are two display options for marker position and length in…

Use marker information
from imported audio files When you record or bounce an audio file, the current Marker…

Delete markers
You can delete markers at any time. After you delete a marker, it no longer…