Add markers
You can add a marker at any position in your project. When you create a marker, it can be rounded to the nearest quarter note, to the nearest bar, or not rounded.
You can use the Create Marker key commands to add markers during playback.
Add a marker rounded to the nearest quarter note
In the Marker track, do one of the following:
Place the playhead at the position where you want to create a marker, then click the Add Marker button
Select the Pencil tool, then click where you want to add a marker.
Add a marker rounded to the nearest bar
Do one of the following:
In the Marker List: Choose Options > Create.
In any workspace: Use the Create Marker key command.
A marker is added at the playhead position (if the playhead is aligned with a bar) or at the next bar position (if the playhead is between two bars). If a marker already exists at a bar position (or up to a quarter note before or after it), no new marker is created.
The length of the marker automatically extends to the start point of the next marker, or to the end of the project or folder, if no ensuing markers exist.
Add a marker without rounding
Do one of the following:
In the Marker List: Choose Options > Create Without Rounding.
In any workspace: Use the Create Marker without rounding key command.
Add a marker at a rounded playhead position
In the Marker List, click the Add Marker button
Add a marker and set its position
In the Marker List, click in the Marker List area with the Pencil tool, then enter a position in the Position field.
Add markers at the positions of all selected regions
Do one of the following:
In the Marker track: Click-hold the word Marker, then choose Create Markers From Regions from the shortcut menu.
In any working area: Use the Create Marker by Regions key command.
Markers created in these ways are automatically assigned the names, bar position, length, and color of the regions they are derived from.
Add a marker corresponding to the cycle area
Drag the cycle area to the Marker track.