Use marker sets
You can create marker sets, and choose between different marker sets in a project. Only markers that are part of the current set appear in the Marker track and Marker List. When you create new markers, they become part of the current marker set.
Creating different marker sets lets you use markers for different purposes (such as identifying sections, adding performance notes, and preserving production information) in the same project.
Create a marker set
In the Marker List, choose New Set from the Marker Set pop-up menu.
When you create a new marker set, previously added markers are no longer visible in the Marker track or Marker List. When you create new markers, they become part of the current marker set.
Rename a marker set
Select the marker set, then choose Rename Set from the Marker Set pop-up menu.
Enter a new name for the marker set, then click OK.
Choose a marker set
In the Marker List, choose a set from the Marker Set pop-up menu.
When you choose a marker set, only markers that are part of the set appear in the Marker track and Marker List.
Delete a marker set
Select the marker set, then choose Delete Set from the Marker Set pop-up menu.