Chords & Grids settings
Chords and Grids settings are only available when Additional Score Options is selected in Advanced preferences.
These settings define the font, position, and scaling of chords and grids, and other settings.

Chord settings
Root Font field: Defines the font for the chord symbol’s root note.
Extension Font field: Defines the font for the chord symbol’s extensions.
“Follow staff size” checkbox: Displays chord symbols according to staff size.
Slash Note Position pop-up menu: Defines the position of the slash note.
Accidental Scale field: Changes the accidental size, in relation to the font size setting: positive values result in an increased size, negative values in a diminished size of chord symbol accidentals.
Language pop-up menu: Choose between seven chord symbol languages.
Alignment pop-up menu: Determines the general horizontal alignment of chord symbols—with an Align parameter set to def (default)—in relation to their bar position.
Grid settings
Font field: Sets the general grid font.
Grid Scaling: Reduced field: Sets the size of the first chord grid when added in the Score Editor.
Grid Scaling: Normal field: Sets the size of the second chord grid when added in the Score Editor.
Grid Scaling: Enlarged field: Sets the size of the third chord grid when added in the Score Editor.
Chord Scaling: Reduced field: Sets the size of the chord on the first chord grid when added in the Score Editor.
Chord Scaling: Normal field: Sets the size of the chord on the second chord grid when added in the Score Editor.
Chord Scaling: Enlarged field: Sets the size of the chord on the third chord grid when added in the Score Editor.
Show Fingering checkboxes: Select to show the fingering numbers on the chord grid symbols in the Score Editor.
Minimum Number of Frets field: Defines the number of frets (four, five, or six) on chord grids.
Barre buttons: Define the Barre style on chord grids, whether Tie or Block.
Thumb buttons: Define the representation of the Thumb fingering marking on chord grids. It can be represented by a 5 or a T.
Left-Handed checkbox: Changes the chord grid orientation for a left-handed user.