Preview take recordings
In order to create and edit comps, you first need to preview the take recordings in a take folder. The simplest way to preview take recordings is to open the take folder. You can then select the individual takes for playback. You can also select and preview takes in a closed take folder.
Open a take folder and preview the takes
Open the take folder by doing one of the following:
Click the disclosure triangle in the upper-left corner of the take folder.
Double-click the take folder.
Select the take folder and press Control-F.
During playback, do one of the following:
If the take folder is in Quick Swipe Comping mode: Click the relevant take.
If the take folder is not in Quick Swipe Comping mode: Option-click the header area of the relevant take.
Open multiple take folders
Select multiple take folders.
Option-click the disclosure triangle in the upper-left corner of one of the selected take folders.
Preview takes in a closed take folder
During playback, choose a take from the Take Folder pop-up menu.
You can also use the following key commands to step through take recordings in an open or closed take folder:
Select Previous Take or Comp: Moves back through the takes or comps as listed in the take folder’s pop-up menu.
Select Next Take or Comp: Moves forward through the takes or comps as listed in the take folder’s pop-up menu.