Search for Apple Loops
The Loop Browser is where you find loops to add to your project. Using keywords, you can search for loops by name, instrument, genre, and mood. You can also refine your searches.
Open the Loop Browser
Do one of the following:
Click the Apple Loops button
in the control bar.
Choose View > Show Apple Loops (or press O).
Browse for loops
Do one of the following:
Click the Button View button
, then click keyword buttons to see the matching files in the results list. Keywords that do not share any loops with the selected keyword are dimmed.
Click the Column View button
to see a standard OS X column file directory that is hierarchically separated into All, Favorites, Genres, Instruments, and Moods search criteria. Select a keyword type in the left column, select a category in the middle column, then select a keyword in the right column to see the matching files in the results list below.
Click Loops at the top of the Loop Browser then, from the pop-up menu that appears, choose the Jam Pack or folder with the loops you want to view.
Clear all keyword selections
Click the Reset button.
Search for loops by name
Enter a search term in the search field, then press Return.
The search term can be alphabetical or numerical. Any files that match your search term are displayed in the results list.
View or clear recent search terms
Do one of the following:
To view a recent search term: Click the magnifying glass icon at the left side of the search field, then choose a search term from the pop-up menu to display the results.
To clear a search term: Click the small “x” at the right side of the search field.
To clear all search terms: Click the magnifying glass icon at the left side of the search field, then choose Clear Search History from the pop-up menu.