Select notes
in the Score Editor Before you can perform some edits to notes in the Score…

Move and copy notes
in the Score Editor You can move notes in the Score Editor to change the…

Change a note’s pitch, duration, and velocity
You can change the pitch and duration (length) of selected notes in the Score Editor,…

Quantize the timing of notes
in the Score Editor You can quantize, or automatically correct, the timing of individual MIDI…

Edit note attributes

Restrict note input to a diatonic key
If you’re working in a diatonic key (major, minor, or modal), using the Diatonic Input…

Control the appearance of tied notes
Ties display the underlying rhythmic divisions of notes held over several beats, for easier readability.…

Create and edit tuplets
You can add and edit tuplets—groups of notes evenly divided over a specific rhythmic value—in…

Use tuplets to override display quantization
You can override the display quantization value by using hidden tuplets. For example, if you…

Add grace notes and independent notes
When Additional Score Options is selected in the Advanced preferences pane, you can add grace…