Multi-instrument objects overview
A multi-instrument is like a collection of 16 standard instruments in one package.
You will generally use multi-instrument objects to address multi-timbral hardware synthesizers or samplers. A multi-timbral sound module is one that can receive on several MIDI channels at once, playing back a different sound on each channel simultaneously.
As most modern MIDI devices are multi-timbral, the multi-instrument will probably be the most commonly used instrument object in your Environment.
The multi-instrument object parameters are a shorter set of the standard instrument object parameters (see Common object parameters). The settings you make in the multi-instrument’s Track inspector apply globally to all subchannels.
Create a new multi-instrument object
Choose New > Multi-Instrument.
View the multi-instrument’s Track inspector
Click the icon at the top of the multi-instrument object.
The whole multi-instrument object is selected, allowing you to set the Port parameter, for example.